Uh-oh! Strategy pivot after we’ve shot an entire campaign. We were tasked with putting out content for TV, digital, and social all with footage and stills we shot for a completely different concept. All in all, we made the most of it. Grew brand awareness and social following and launched their Youtube channel with content series’s created out of…. found footage.


We relaunched their social channels with a new look-and-feel that could be easily adapted each month for content calendars. This involved creating a visual language that tied in with all the other assets but felt native to social and creating “series” of types of posts that could be recycled over and over without feeling stale.

Q&A Video Series

We pored through hours of interview footage, originally intended for testimonials, to create a question and answer series on all things Juvéderm. Short, quippy videos answered the most pressing questions a potential Juvéderm client would have before their first filler appointment. We created a visual language for video that is still being used for the brand ongoing video content.


